I'm ready for my new family!

Hi! My Name Is Hazel 4634C

I'm Available

Hazel loves people, but she doesn't have much patience for other cats.  She is a little wary of new situations but will adjust if given a little time.  Hazel purrs, rubs against your leg, but may give you a growl all at the same time if she sees another cat trying to catch your attention! Hazel is a big cat with gorgeous green eyes and coloring that you would have to see in person to appreciate! She would be good as an only cat or with another cat that is confident and will ignore her.  She would probably do okay with a dog that is not cat aggressive.

  • Domestic Short Hair
  • Female
  • 5 Years OldMy DoB is 08/02/2019
  • 18 Pounds
  • Tabby (Brown / Chocolate)
  • 60
Apply To Adopt Hazel 4634C
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