Bruiser bentley

Hi! My Name Is Bruiser bentley

He is a full breed tri-colored Australian shepherd that is 18 months old. He is perfectly healthy and update date on vaccines. He is a wonderful dog and very good with YOUR FAMILY and YOUR KIDS. We have had him since he was a puppy. No abuse and or no neglect. He is very protective over his family, however for the past couple months he has gotten alittle over protective of us when we now let him outside to use the potty and if someone is outside near or our his house he will now snapped and try to bite people because he is trying to protect his home. Bruiser is not aggressive he is just very protective. I have two girls and my oldest daughter is five and she is on the behavior end of the spectrum. Her and bruiser are closer than best friends. Well two or three weeks ago he had gotten bit on the head by a tick and hasn't been himself since then. Well on Sunday my daughter was coming around the house and bruiser was on the upper deck trying to get to her and he was grawling and showing his teeth to attack. We are looking for someone in a rescue to please take him. He is a great dog he is just very extremely protective of his family and home

  • Australian Shepherd
  • Male
  • 0 Days Old
  • 31 - 40 Pounds
  • High Energy
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like Select Dogs
  • I Don't Like Cats
  • I Don't Like Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
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